Tuesday, May 23, 2006


It's not about them
but about you
we all know what the truth is

don't administrate but
divide and rule men.
the brits did it then
and you're doing it again.

people will die
but you will thrive
how long do you think
we'll just survive?

brahmins maimed their legs
you've brought crutches for them?
teach them how to fish
but you're buying fish again

the brahmins had convictions in deeds
you're just hiding behind the white suits

if you were a disease you would be
diabetes - silently you kill,
making every sweet poison.

you realise, darwin just turned
in his grave, didn't he?
the fittest just died.

take away someone's limbs
chop and dry the bones
and give them away as crutches
but mind you,
don't give them confidence to walk.

reserve for them a bench
reserve for them a dish
because you're sure they won't eat
they're not really hungry, are they?
eat their share while the hungry die.

it's the end of the day
you want to make sure
the sun rises tomorrow
it's your vote bank you count
and your swiss bank you flaunt


Blogger SUNITI JOSHI said...

Great to see this one here. Lets see if words can be changed/ trimmed to fit in the beat. Lets make a song out of it. This issue will be with us for some decades to come :P

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHO r they?


Well last 60 years most of the politicians/bureaucrats are from upper-cast,

Implementations of reservation was with uppers-caste bureaucrats,

STATE is run by upper-caste,

Still India Inc. is run by upper-caste.

Media is run by upper-caste..

and ironically anti-reservation agitations are run by upper-caste…

So there are not THEY and YOU…

There is YOU and YOU…

STATE is supporting you from back…

SO feel happy…

I just wonder – you have cake and eating it too...

Reservation is the only way of undo the sins of your forefathers

…if implemented honestly…

Problem is not with solution… problem with is intentions…

your STATE are going to be honest or … it just playing media-media game…

6:42 AM  

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